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SeaSnake Project Successfully Kicked-off Online

Skribentens bild: Pierre IngmarssonPierre Ingmarsson

Uppdaterat: 12 apr. 2022

On March 26th the kick-off meeting was held online, due to the Corona situation and travel restrictions. The SeaSnake project aims to develope and test Fully Dynamic Medium Voltage Cables for Ocean Energy providing reliable transmission assets for ocean energy devices.

The main goal of the SEASNAKE project is to provide a step change in the overall performance of a medium voltage cable system, while ensuring that they are highly reliable and lower the risks of ocean energy installations.

The project partners consists of  the entire value chain: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, NKT Cables, IFSTTAR, CorPower Ocean, Waves4Power, I-Tech, MWA Beläggning, WavEC, Chalmers University of Technology, Oceanharvesting Technologies and Wave Venture. The project is financed under the umbrella of OceanERA Net, co-financed by the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten), SEIA (Ireland), PDL (France) and FCT (Portugal).

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