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Kick-off for the Seasnake+ project


Uppdaterat: 5 juli 2024

The official kick off meeting of the Seasnake+ project was held as a 2-Days lunch-to-lunch setup on the 11th-12th of March 2024. The meeting was hosted by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in Kista, Sweden.

The focus was on getting to know each other through partner presentations and sharing previous knowledge and experiences. All partners presented their organisation as well as the team working in the Seasnake+ project. Everyone participated in sharing and discussing expectations to find a common platform to start from and having a clear objective and goal of where the project will be at the end of 2026.

A labtour for in the laboratories of the fiberoptic group at RISE was held, where they explained and showed how the technologies that are developed in the lab will contribute to the project as well as showed facinating possibilities of sensing applications using fiberoptics.

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